Archive | 8:18 am

breakfast and cupcakes

3 Mar
well. my net has been down.
and now it’s up and running again! woohoo!
im not joking.
my face. is really beaming. haha.
but anyways.

things have been pretty good down-under!
we have been meeting up with all our friends quite a bit.
cheok, jacky, sam. (:
pretty good if u ask me! hehe

was taking to Kor on of the day when Cheok and Jacky were over at our place.
and decided to take a photo of them to send him. haha
and this is what they came up with!

my brother called them the rubber faced gang! hahaha (:

well. all of them always makes me laugh. haha
so i love hanging out with all of them.

well. baby and I have been going around to look for our favourite places.
new year. new places.
well not all is new. some are old places. but still our favourites. hehe
coming up with a new list of places to go!

our first. new-old favourite place..

food. laughter. fun. loves.